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Looking for something science related to do at home?  Check out some of these websites that have great experiments to do with your family!  ALWAYS TALK TO A GROWN UP BEFORE TRYING ANYTHING!

Weather Wiz Kids has great, easy expriments to do at home.  Plus, lots of other fantastic information on weather!

Google Earth is amazing!  â€‹Go to London, Antarctica, Cape Town, and Moscow in seconds!  Plus, most large cities have lots of pictures, so you can drop in and "walk" the streets of almost any place.

Science Kids is based in New Zealand and has some great experiments you can do at home.

Love My Science has everything and the kitchen sink!  Ok, no sink, but tons of games, experiments, fun facts, and more can be found here, so check it out.​

Gamestar Mechanic lets you CREATE YOUR OWN VIDEO GAME!  One game is free to make, and it will walk you through all kinds of things on video game creation.

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